Finmax Smart Capital LLC applies experience, insights and risk management expertise to help each client manage and dispose of distressed consumer receivables as an alternative investment strategy.

We strive to provide exceptional customer service to ongoing clients who are looking for a chance to regain control of their finances. Our goal is to assist in financial counseling and prompt resolution in order for you to free yourself of the burden and consequences of debt.

Ask our clients why they choose us and you’re likely to get many different answers. There’s one thing they’ll all agree on; we deliver outstanding results in record time.

Services Data Set from Finmax

We hold receivables management to the highest level of ethical and professional standards. Finmax expects all collection activities be in accordance with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (“FDCPA”), and Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”). Additionally, all collection activity is conducted in compliance with the code of conduct put forth by the American Collectors Association (“ACA»).

Finmax is committed to treat each consumer with respect and to assist consumers to structure a positive resolution of outstanding debts due. If you feel that a receivables management firm or representative has acted unprofessionally or failed to treat you with respect or clearly outline your options, please submit an email to a member of the Finmax management team.